Ethical Channel

  1. Ethics and compliance

    Acting responsibly towards our society is one of the pillars of the iryo brand. For this reason, we have created a Code Of Ethics, which contains all our commitments as a business, as a company and as a member of society. Sustainability is one of the pillars of our value proposal and therefore, business ethics is a fundamental principle in the development of our activity.

    Our Corporate Values (People, Passion, Life, Technology, Efficiency and Resilience) also allow us to be a company which inspires confidence. We want to be leaders in transparency and good practice, and are inspired by the most innovative and internationally recognised practices.

    Our way of doing things drives us to implement all our processes in a transparent and accurate manner. Among our goals is putting the guidelines into practise, aiming to create a true culture of corporate compliance. Iryo firmly believes that ethical culture, our corporate values and the establishment of clear rules also means being sustainable and resilient in the future.

    Along with this Code of Ethics, iryo has different internal procedures to regulate and develop the various aspects contained therein, including those relating to the prevention of corruption and any other criminal behaviour that the company may commit in the course of its business, thus forming iryo's Compliance Programme.

    As such, the organisation has a designated Ethics Committee, formed of 5 members of the management team, whose independent and autonomous functions include promoting compliance with the company's Programme of Compliance, as well as its implementation and familiarisation throughout the organisation.

    See our Code of Ethics

    Ethical Code


  2. Ethical Channel

    iryo has created a Whistle-blower Channel, which allows members of the organisation and any third party to rapidly and easily report potential legal or administrative infractions or any other behaviour which is illicit or goes against iryo's Code of Ethics carried out (or predicted to be carried out) within the framework of the organisation’s activities. 

    This channel guarantees the confidentiality of the information exchanged at all times and allows reports to be made anonymously. Reports made through this channel will be processed respecting at all times the guarantees, obligations and rights recognised in the applicable legislation on the protection of informants and affected parties, including the prohibition of any type of reprisal against persons making reports.

    You can visit Ethical Channel via this link. To find more information about how the channel works, the ways to make reports and the processing of your personal data, see our Policy on the internal information system.

    Ethical Channel